torsdag den 22. marts 2012



So! I live very close to a recycling centre. Besides trash it's also a place where people dump stuff they don't need anymore for others to take. I've found tons of stuff there - you never know what you're gonna get when you go, but I don't think I ever left without at least a few things. Lots of treasures are being put up for grabs everyday, but you have to be quick to get the good stuff since a lot of senior citizens have made a hobby out of guarding the place like hawks - they're actually only allowed to be there 30 minutes a day, but still seem to hang around for hours.

Anyway! Today I went there with my mom to dump some clothes and a few dead light bulbs and batteries and while I was there a lady came with a car full of stuff. I got quite lucky today! Here's what I got:

  • A bunch of adorably kitsch plates (I got about 10 plates with different fish motifs - they have the cutest gold rims!) 
  • A clothes rack which I'm going to use this when I have a flea market - I love how it can be wrapped up to take up almost no space. 
  • A picture frame that I just took because I thought I might need it someday. Turned out it fits one of my paintings almost perfectly! I've been looking for frames in second hand stores for my paintings and now I find one for free by accident - Yay! I might do some alterations to make the frame even fiercer, we'll see. 

Vermlandsgade Genbrugsstation / Herjedalgade 2-4, 2300 København S / Mon-fri 10-18, sat-sun 10-17

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